About us and our Company "Jaktpartners"

Welcome to “Jaktpartners”


"Jaktpartners" or Hunting Partners, as our name suggests, is your premier outfitter for hunting, fishing or other outdoor pleasures. As trained hunting professionals, my team and I strive to give you an unforgettable outdoor experience with everything the Swedish Lapland has to offer. We offer guided hunts for moose, fly fishing for salmon or Pike. Helicopter into remote areas of the Swedish back country for a rustic fishing experience for brown trout, arctic char and grayling. Want to hunt over experienced hunting or bird dogs? Our canine trainer/handler has over 11 years guiding, handling, training and breeding top hunting and bird dogs. Hunting or fishing not your thing? We also offer nature adventures for photographers and outdoor enthusiasts. We have something to offer everyone interested in this beautiful, rugged country. Just write or call us and we will send you a customized estimate for your next adventure. 

Contact and Location

Main location and Basecamp


Inh. Philip Stolz

Liehittäjä 5

95791 Övertornea

Email: info@jaktpartners.com

Telefon:   +46706666485  /  +491726127345

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Arrival and Departure

Easiest way to get to Jaktpartners is by plane from Stockholm to Lulea. We will make arrangements for a car to pick you up and drive you to your hotel, cottage or camp site. If you are traveling by car, please allow for additional time depending on time of year and have the proper winter tires